
Thank you for the info.  I know of the mobileSound items... but, it doesn't 
have all the commands we need.  For example, there is no method to start (or 
change) the sounds play position, or poll the sound for the current position.

My client wants to make a music playing app.  Need to replicate a music 
player... so, we need to keep our [custom] transport in sync with the sound.  
Stop, Start, Pause, Scrub, update current time and time remaining, etc.  EASY 
on desktop, can't seem to do this on mobile with LiveCode.


On 5/15/22, 5:12 AM, "Alan Stenhouse" <> wrote:

    Hi Dan,

    Check out mobilePlaySoundOnChannel in the dictionary and the related 
commands linked to it.

    Don't think there's a player command for mobile, though I may have missed 




    > On 15 May 2022, at 1:30 am, wrote:
    > Date: Fri, 13 May 2022 19:40:11 +0000
    > From: Dan Friedman <>
    > To: How to use LiveCode <>
    > Subject: Audio Control on Mobile?
    > Message-ID: <>
    > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
    > Hello!   On desktop, there is the player object which is great!   
However, it doesn't work on Mobile.  Is there a way to deal with an audio file 
on mobile (Android and iOS)?   Here's what I need to do:
    > - Load an audio file from a server
    > - Play the file
    > - Pause file
    > - Set the cursor (where to play from or jump to)
    > - Know when the end of file is reached
    > - length of audio file
    > - current play position
    > - file state (isPlaying or isPaused)
    > Thank you in advance!
    > -Dan

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