On 2/27/2022 12:18 PM, Curry Kenworthy via use-livecode wrote:


> building an app under Big Sur on a new M1 Airbook

> macOS told me the command 'lipo' was not installed

> Has anyone else seen this?

I only noticed this thread today, but FWIW ... Yes!
Exactly the same when setting up M1 Mac mini.

I think I had to install a recent xCode, after
first updating to a newer version of Big Sur.

I posted about this not because it was a problem - the OS asked whether I wanted to download the required tool and did when I told it to and LiveCode then built everything correctly. I mentioned it in that I would have expected LiveCode to have either preemptively downloaded any utility it needs to build standalones if it was not already installed OR presented some sort of alert noting that an OS utility was missing when I tried to first build a standalone and that I SHOULD click download. I presume, if I had clicked NO to the download questions from macOS, there may have been a problem building my standalone. Or perhaps not?

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