Alex, I’m replying off list because my ulterior motive is to ask you a question.

Argh.  I see, after re-reading your post, that my remarks are useless. 

I’ve been spending a bit of time trying to replace my old chartsEngine library 
with the new chart widget. I haven’t tried any of the commands that wrap JSON. 
So, ultimately I have no answer to your question. I’ve used the more simplistic 
COMMA delimited [ set the csvData of widget "Chart" to tCSVData ].  (The TAB 
delimited one seems to work also.)

One thing that sometimes made a difference about what displayed was using: [ 
set the lockChartUpdates of widget "Chart" to “true” ] before messing with the 
widget and then [ set the lockChartUpdates of widget "Chart" to “false” ] when 
I was done.

I suspect that you have tried this already but...

Using [ put 
 into tCSVData ]  puts “cats, dogs, gerbils and wombats” along the X-axis for 

I found that:  [ set the dataLabels of widget "Chart" to 
"Cats,Dogs,Gerbils,Wombats” ]  would also set the X-axis labels if it matched 
up with the number of data points.

My question for you, since you’ve been messing with the widget, is about 
setting the alpha / transparency of the chartBackgroundColor property. Only one 
time have I seen it work as expected from the property inspector and never have 
I been able to produce a transparent background by script. I was wondering if 
you had tried this property. (I posted about this in bugzilla and the 
mothership asked me to create a separate bug report because it worked fine for 
them… I don’t have a problem creating a bug report, it just seemed odd that it 
absolutely doesn’t work for me.)

Scott Morrow

Elementary Software
(Now with 20% less chalk dust!)
booth    1-360-734-4701
mobile   1-360-920-0715

> On Feb 22, 2022, at 5:54 AM, Alex Tweedly via use-livecode 
> <> wrote:
> I've been trying to use the new chart widget, but no success yet.
> All the charts I want to do have times (or dates) along the X axis.
> I can see that any options which have not been wrapped in LC can be set by 
> doing something like:
>    put the chartJSONOptions of widget "mine" into tA
>    put "time" into tA["scales"]["x"]["type"]
>    set the chartJSONOptions of widget "mine" to tA
> but this still gives me
>     Error: This method is not implemented:
>     Check that a complete date adapter is provided.
> and I have no idea how to provide a date adapter from LC.
> Has anyone else tried date/times with more success ?
> (The chart.js documentation implies there is a default adapter - so nothing 
> should need to be done. It also talks about installing JS libraries for other 
> adapters - but I don't quite get it).
> Thanks,
> Alex.
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