Hello Curry,

What we offer in the way of support to various license types:

No license - we'll answer any presales questions you have. We won't offer any 
other kind of support.

Any license holder of any kind - up and running support. Can't install? Got a 
problem activating? Won't download? Happy to help, drop us an email.

Starter and Standard plan license holders - basic up and running support, plus 
seeking out resources to help you via direct email. Any other support, via the 
dedicated support forum. So, if there's a lesson on it I'll be happy to send 
you the link. If there isn't, I'll redirect you to the support forum where your 
issue can be discussed. 

Email Support license holders - send us unlimited emails, on any kind of coding 
question, and we'll do our best to help. We won't write your project for you, 
but we will offer code samples, help debug, identify issues, look at your code 
and suggest better ways to do things.

We'll update our FAQ on the website to ensure this is covered.

Best Regards,


Heather Laine
Customer Services Manager
LiveCode Ltd

> On 8 Sep 2021, at 12:10, Curry Kenworthy via use-livecode 
> <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
> I hate to ask this offlist one-on-one because
> it seems much more of an FAQ-type question,
> where answering once could service many people,
> saving both LC Ltd and ourselves lots of time.
> So here it is....
> Now "Email Support" is listed as an Addon
> in the new livecode.com Standard Pricing page.
> The details mention "unlimited email support"
> with "2 business days" turnaround.
> The cost seems to be the same as a platform.
> And here's the reason this is confusing:
> I don't see any info on the alternative
> or default if we do NOT add Email Support.
> (What's the "standard" Standard support, if any?)
> In practice, LC support email has been used
> for an incredibly broad range of issues.
> Everything from "hey, the web store is down"
> to Licensing questions. (And this question!)
> For years we've had two levels of support:
> default, or faster/more involved Pro support.
> If the new addon is roughly like Pro support,
> and the default still has basic email support,
> then it'll all make sense for existing users.
> Otherwise ... please enlighten me. Thanks!
> (I'd suggest an FAQ on this for newbies too.)
> Apologies if this has been covered already;
> I was unable to follow every thread lately.
> Best wishes,
> Curry Kenworthy
> Custom Software Development
> "Better Methods, Better Results"
> LiveCode Training and Consulting
> http://livecodeconsulting.com/
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