Yep, exactly. So that is where DocuSign should send back a redirect that is 
picked up by the oAuth2 LC library. From there it should continue with the LC 
code. But the only way out at the moment is to press Cancel. 

I think the red message is not relevant as it always seems to be there. 

What I’m hoping for is that Monte sees this thread and points us in the right 
direction as the clued in one for this library. But if anyone else already has 
experience that too may be helpful. 

Thanks for giving it a go Matthias. 


> On 9 Jun 2021, at 20:19, matthias rebbe via use-livecode 
> <> wrote:
> I pressed the send button to early...
> When i continue, i got logged in and see the normal developer account page in 
> the "oauth" window.
>> Am 09.06.2021 um 21:15 schrieb
>> Tried it here with your script, but currently the 'login" page shows an 
>> additional text in red saying "DocuSign is temporarily unavailable. Please 
>> try again momentarily.".
>>>> Am 09.06.2021 um 20:04 schrieb Sean Cole (Pi) via use-livecode 
>>>> <>:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Until now I have been using SOAP to connect to Docusign without the need
>>> for oAuth2. However, they will soon (August 16th, 2021) require oAuth2
>>> entry.
>>> To make it easier for us to play together, I've created a temp gmail and
>>> DocuSign account. The code I'm using is as follows:
>>> //
>>> local sDocuSignAuth
>>> on es_DocuSignTest
>>> put ""; into tAuthURL -- //
>>> account-d DURING TESTING / account WHEN LIVE //
>>> put ""; into tTokenURL
>>> put "e36917d4-72be-4924-aced-3e75844080a2" into tClientID // LCTest
>>> put "0493edd9-a8a6-431e-a64e-2d6f162ca98b" into tClientSecret // LCTest
>>> put "signature" into tScopes
>>> put "58081" into tPort // Redirect uri set to ''
>>> put "code" into tParamsA["response_type"]
>>> --
>>> put "" into tUser // Docusign test account
>>> put "lctestaccount" into tPass // Docusign test account
>>> --
>>> if sDocuSignAuth is empty then
>>>    OAuth2 tAuthURL, tTokenURL, tClientID, tClientSecret, tScopes,
>>> "58081", tParamsA
>>>    put the result &cr& it
>>>    if the result is not empty then
>>>       return "Not authorized!" for error
>>>    else
>>>       put it into sDocuSignAuth
>>>    end if
>>> end if
>>> end es_DocuSignTest
>>> //
>>> You can log in to the DocuSign account using those credentials if you feel
>>> the need.
>>> As you will find when you try the code, the oAuth window comes up, you log
>>> in, but it never responds with the Token or the redirect uri. So I don't
>>> know what I'm missing or how to fix it. Perhaps by getting this one sorted
>>> out we can have a definitive method for any API.
>>> Thanks for any help.
>>> Sean
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