Hi All!

I have a basic insert mysql query in an irev file. It manages to insert the new record but it returns a revdberr too.

The table consists of 5 fields with the last field auto-updated incrementally.

put "INSERT INTO opentrades (sendtoid, traderid, traderitem, tradeeitem) VALUES (" & "'" & tTradeeID & "'" & "," & "'" & tPlayerID & "'" & "," & "'" & tMyItem & "'" & "," & "'" & tTheirItem & "'" & ")" into tSQL

It works but still returns the short "revdberr" message... I have another irev file, and update, that does the same kind of thing. It works, but returns an error.

put "UPDATE location SET xcoord='" & txcoord & "', ycoord='" & tycoord & "' WHERE id='" & tTargetID & "'" into tSQL

Anything jump out a miss? Wondering why it would be a successful query either creating a new record or updating and existing record but still return an error???

Thank you!

John Patten

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