There is a test framework in the GitHub repository:

Didn’t really see documentation on it, but I’m sure it could be documented and 
used to generate a robust unit test of our own projects.  Plenty of examples 
there on use, just nothing on how to easily kick it off for your own projects.

Sent from my iPad

> On Apr 13, 2021, at 6:07 AM, Andre Garzia via use-livecode 
> <> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I’ve recently read that long thread that almost got people banned and will 
> not comment on it. What I want to comment on is about the kernel of the 
> activity that was mentioned there: refactoring.
> Often in LiveCode (and most programming languages to be honest) we go coding 
> for a long while and then realise that our code need extensive refactoring. 
> We may have repeated a pattern over and over again and discovered that we 
> need to change every instance of them, or something similar.
> There are small cases of refactoring, such as renaming a variable in a single 
> script, that can be easily (and quite safely) be done with find & replace 
> tools. Others are much more complex and attempting to do it over multiple 
> scripts on a large project will result in crying and maybe needing a drink or 
> hug.
> An example of a really smart IDE that is considered the most advanced in 
> terms of refactoring are the ones based on JetBrains IDEA such as IDEA 
> itself, Android Studio, webStorms, etc. A key part of these IDEs to do 
> refactoring is that they have deep knowledge about the source code being 
> written. The code is constantly parsed and assembled in a AST that is exposed 
> internally for the refactoring tools. When you refactor code in these IDEs, 
> you’re not really working with text, you’re telling the IDE to manipulate a 
> tree in ways the IDE knows how to manipulate such tree. That is why when you 
> “rename a symbol” or “extract selected code into method in enclosing scope” 
> or whatever you do in these IDEs, you end up with the expected result.
> Find and Replace dialogs, or even custom plugins in LiveCode, don’t have the 
> same advanced capabilities. You’re usually working with text and hoping that 
> whatever RegEx you’re applying is error-free. And by error-free I don’t mean 
> it is a “valid regex”, I mean that “it does what you expect, and your 
> expectations are correct”. It is very hard to apply script transformations 
> like that, you can’t be sure they’ll work for every little replacement, and 
> for the cases where it doesn’t work, the bugs introduced might be too subtle 
> to notice. Let me tell you folks a recent story in which I tried to do 
> exactly that and shot myself on the foot.
> I’m dealing with a very large LC app. Very large, thousands and thousands of 
> lines spread in a gazilion stacks, behaviors, and libraries. Some of these 
> files needed refactoring. Among the various tasks I needed to do was to apply 
> our “variable naming scheme” to the scripts because there were variables 
> using the wrong prefixes. 
> Naturally, I tried being smart with find & replace. Even going as far as 
> extracting the script into an editor with more features —such as RegEx 
> replacing— and trying my best to identify and replace the names I needed with 
> vast swoops of RegEx.
> All the replacements worked like I wrote them.
> What I didn’t realise was that there was variable shadowing happening in 
> which handler arguments were named with the same name as script-local 
> variables, my smart replacing removed those arguments because there was no 
> need to redeclare the script-local vars. I didn’t realise at that time, that 
> those variables were real arguments being passed to the handlers, they just 
> happened to have the same name as script-local vars in the same script and 
> were in fact shadowing them. 
> I broke all the source code. It took me a long time to work out which 
> handlers needed arguments, and which didn’t need and were actually using the 
> script-local vars.
> I tried being smart fixing broken code, and for a while it became more broken.
> Refactoring is hard.
> We don’t have a system to create and manipulate LC AST.
> We don’t even have unit testing libraries so that we can make sure our code 
> works as expected.
> Avoid large automated refactoring at all cost, it is not worth it. Do it 
> manually. It will be slower, but it will be safer.
> Best
> A
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