Hi Mark,

> "error in function handler" is a pretty generic response - sort of the
> engine's version of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Is the MySQL database local to the server
> machine or on a different computer?

I should point out that this error is thrown - I take it to mean that the function isn't even located. I don't think the problem is with the details of the database connection, I don't think it gets that far.

To test this, I've added a call to revOpenDatabases before doing anything else - sure enough, this throws the same error.

> Does this work locally before moving the
> stack to the headless linux box?

The whole shebang works on my Mac. I tried to see if I could run LiveCode headless on Mac, to minimise the differences that might be at issue, and got
        Startup error - cannot run in command line mode

I don't know if that's a generic issue that LiveCode can't run headless on Mac, or if there's something else going on there.


On 01/02/2021 19:37, Mark Wieder via use-livecode wrote:
On 2/1/21 11:15 AM, Ben Rubinstein via use-livecode wrote:

With thanks to friends here who helped me install and start using LC on a headless Linux box. I've now another little problem... my stack tries and fails to connect to a MySQL database.

When it attempts to call revOpenDatabase, it throws error 219, "error in function handler". I take it that this means it can't find or hasn't loaded the revdb external.

I've installed livecodecommunity-9.6.1.x86_64, and I launch it with
   ~/.runrev/components/livecodecommunity-9.6.1.x86_64/LiveCode\ Community.x86_64 -ui <mystack.livecode>

I can see revdb.so and dbmysql.so are in the Externals directory. Is there something explicit I need to do to load these?

"error in function handler" is a pretty generic response - sort of the engine's version of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Is the MySQL database local to the server machine or on a different computer? Does this work locally before moving the stack to the headless linux box?

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