Thanks to Mark Smith and Henry Lowe, I know that I’m supposed to set up 
mergNotify for two notifications as below.

I believe I’ve done this, and I’ve set a monitoring action (putting a text into 
a field) to show that these notifications have happened.

Of course it may be just me, but so far, I only seem to get the notification 
when the app comes back into the foreground (so logically it must have gone the 
background first),  but I just don’t get the ‘going in to the background' 
notification, or at least my monitoring doesn’t work.  Is there some trick of 
timing that I’ve missed?


> On 17 Nov 2020, at 20:07, HENRY LOWE via use-livecode 
> <> wrote:
> <Thanks to Panos for this tip:>
> On iOS use mergNotify as below. Works well for me.
> on openStack
> mergNotify "UIApplicationWillResignActiveNotification"
> mergNotify "UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification"
> end openStack
> on UIApplicationWillResignActiveNotification pUserInfo
> // Your code before the app goes to background
> -- your code here to handle going to the background
> end UIApplicationWillResignActiveNotification
> on UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification pUserInfo
> // Your code after the app comes back to foreground
> -- your code here to handle your app becoming active
> end UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification
> Henry

> On 17 Nov 2020, at 23:39, Mark Smith via use-livecode 
> <> wrote:
> And just a reminder that, under iOS, you’ll have to register to receive a “ 
> UIApplicationWillResignActiveNotification” message, and then write a handler 
> to respond to that (PS only register once in your stack script — I learned 
> the hard way). It’s documented under mergNotify in the dictionary (with 
> credit to Elanor for pointing this out to me when my “on shutdownRequest” 
> handlers were being ignored). 
> Jacque, I believe this is what you are looking for to be notified when you go 
> into the background. I do some db cleanup at that time and it seems to work.
> Mark

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