i got a warning uploading an app update which uses minimum Android
Version 8.0 Oreo about facturing rights, it does not use facturing.
Also in the standalone settings in-App Purchases is not selected.
Uploading an other app with minimum Android version 5.0 i do not get
that warning.
Both standalones are build with LC961rc2.
What could cause this?
Do i have to add something in the Android sdk's?
This is the error in Dutch:
Je hebt een APK of Android App Bundle geĆ¼pload zonder de rechten voor
FACTURERING of met de rechten voor FACTURERING die is beperkt tot
specifieke SDK-versies. De rechten voor FACTURERING zijn vereist voor de
verkoop van in-app-producten.
Translated in English:
You uploaded an APK or Android App Bundle without the BILLING rights or
with the BILLING rights limited to specific SDK versions. BILLING rights
are required for the sale of in-app products.
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