If shell returns text, does that mean shellCommand has to go away?

> On Aug 23, 2019, at 9:05 AM, Paul Dupuis via use-livecode 
> <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
> On 8/23/2019 10:30 AM, Dar Scott Consulting via use-livecode wrote:
>> SHELL()
>> Related:  https://quality.livecode.com/show_bug.cgi?id=22334 
>> <https://quality.livecode.com/show_bug.cgi?id=22334>
>> I was on the fence concerning whether shell() returns a text string or 
>> binary data. I have fallen to one side: BINARY.
> I concur with the general idea of returning a 8-bit byte stream from Shell 
> (i.e. binary)
>> Here is a summary of my position. Tomatoes are welcome.
>> The shell() function is on the edge of LiveCode. All I/O on the edge is 
>> binary and is either used that way or is text decoded. The text decoding can 
>> be part of the I/O operation or explicit. I see shell() this way. LiveCode 
>> has no control over what command line tools will do, or what the executable 
>> in shellCommand will do.
>> Some I/O operations have optional text decoding built-in. This can be added 
>> to shell(), but I don't think it is needed.
>> LEGACY: For my part, I have used shell() with an underlying assumption of 
>> ASCII. This assumption works OK with the ASCII subset of Latin-1, UTF-8 and 
>> most Windows codepages. I think most uses of shell() make this assumption 
>> plus the assumption that a text decoding is not needed. For this to be 
>> preserved, the text interpretation of a binary data should continue to be a 
>> sequence of single byte characters from an ASCII superset, and the default 
>> values for shellCommand should ensure that for each OS.
> Well this is why I advocate that the encoding should be UTF-8 rather than 
> UTF-16. (1) this matches shell() on OSX which returns results from the shell 
> command UTF-8 encoded, or would you suggest changing OSX?; (2) UTF8 encoding 
> means that people expecting ASCII can just work with the returned results as 
> they always have. People expecting Unicode, will need to perform a 
> textDecode(shell(<command>),"UTF-8") and if the results were just ASCII, they 
> they are still fine, since UTF8 decoding ASCII = ASCII.
>> My recommendation:
>> shell(x) is strictly binary data
>> A textDecode example is provided in dict for shell.
>> shellCommand is reference in dict for shell.
>> The "cmd.exe /u" example is provided in dict for shellCommand
>> Correct the default for shellCommand in dictionary.
> My recommendation:
> Fix Windows shell() to UTF8 encode results
> Add a textDecode example to the Dictionary entry for BOTH Windows and OSX 
> (and Linux, where I have no idea what Linux does)
> Correct the CMD.EXE vs Command.exe reference in the Dictionary as well
>> Dar Scott
>> Mad Scientist
> Paul Dupuis
> Mad Wizard
> :-)
>>> On Aug 22, 2019, at 9:37 AM, Paul Dupuis via use-livecode 
>>> <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
>>> I have filed two bug reports that are in LC905rc1 and go back to 7.0 where 
>>> LC functions that should deal with Unicode properly do not.
>>> These are:
>>> https://quality.livecode.com/show_bug.cgi?id=22213 -- The "detailed files" 
>>> function fails for any files with Unicode in the name, returning the 
>>> filename with %3F (?) instead of the Unicode characters properly URL 
>>> encoded (they should be UFT8 encoded and then URL encoded)
>>> and
>>> https://quality.livecode.com/show_bug.cgi?id=22334 -- the shell command is 
>>> not Unicode aware in returning it's results. On OSX, the results are UTF8 
>>> encoded (discovered by accident) and so an extra step is needed to text 
>>> decode them, but on Windows it is a complete failure and any Unicode 
>>> results of the command line - SHOWN 100% correctly is executed in the 
>>> command line - are returned NATIVE encoded, causing all Unicode characters 
>>> to become question marks.
>>> I have written work-around for both of these bugs that can be found in the 
>>> bug reports. My work-around for the "details files" is slow, due to 
>>> repeated calls to shell to fetch file properties one at a time.
>>> If anyone else out there has run into these bugs in your own code and 
>>> developed a faster work-around for the "detailed files" and would care to 
>>> share, I would welcome a faster fix.
>>> Of course, I'd welcome a fix from LiveCode, Ltd. to these bugs even more!
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