I have an old stack (built under LC 4.6.4) that has a component that does some simple drawing. There is a tool bar (some buttons and menus) and below that a drawing area (scrolling group)

A mouseMove handler set the tool to the *pointer tool* when over the drawing area and back to the *browse tool* when over the toolbar (so the user could click buttons/menus to perform functions in the toolbar)

In LC4.6.4 when a object was selected in the drawing area (showing selected object handles) and the cursor moved to the toolbar and switched back to the browse tool, the selection handles remained and any selected object was still among the selectedObjects

Now having converted the stack to LC9.0.5, when the cursor it set back to the browse tool, the selection handles on any selected objects disappear and no objects are selected!?

So, how in LC9, does one do the basic task of using LC's built in tools to select objects in a "drawing area" (a group) and keep them selected while mousing outside the drawing area to actually perform some function by clicking and sending a mouseUp event (or menupick or whatever)?

I feel I am missing something obvious in changes around this topic between LC4.6.4 and LC9.0.5rc1

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