Bob Sneidar wrote:

> I am really at a loss when it comes to relayering groups. I read the
> dictionary on relayerGroupControls and it appears to me while reading
> it that if you set it to false, you can relayer groups by bringing
> forward or sending backward and it won't become a part of another
> group. In fact,  the opposite is happening, and when I fix it one of
> the two groups that got merged ends up all the way in front.
> Can someone tell me again what to do to prevent relayering from jacing
> up my discreet groups??

If you conceptualize it as "relayerGroupControls" (emphasis on groups) I can understand the confusion.

The actual property name is "relayerGroupedControls" (emphasis on things inside of groups), which should help align expectations with what it does.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

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