...that's exactly what the brain in the vat next to me on the shelf was saying 
just the other day...well, I say 'me'...

On 16 Jun 2011, at 19:43, Bob Sneidar wrote:

> You all realize how completely odd this line of humor would seem to someone 
> who was not a nerd.... erm excuse me, a Professional Software Developer?
> Bob
> On Jun 16, 2011, at 11:13 AM, Keith Clarke wrote:
>> ...sure they'd use LiveCode but it's ridiculous to just blindly assume that 
>> they'd have hands! ;-)
>> Best,
>> Keith..
>> On 16 Jun 2011, at 19:03, Peter Brigham MD wrote:
>>> But when we finally make contact with another intelligent species, will we 
>>> discover that all their cards are right-handed? (It goes with out saying 
>>> that such a species will necessarily be using LiveCode.) If so, then 
>>> importing any of their cards might result in the stack disappearing in a 
>>> flash of high-energy photons.... That problem will be one of the knottiest 
>>> the LC development team has had to tackle.
>>> -- Peter
>>> Peter M. Brigham
>>> pmb...@gmail.com
>>> http://home.comcast.net/~pmbrig
>>> On Jun 16, 2011, at 1:07 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:
>>>> So you think that card creation would be racemic in nature? As many left 
>>>> handed cards as right handed? But surely someone would soon come up with a 
>>>> plugin that ensured an optically pure creation of new cards. Then we would 
>>>> be back to where we are now, purely left handed cards, as it should be. 
>>>> Bob
>>>> On Jun 15, 2011, at 11:08 PM, Keith Clarke wrote:
>>>>> ...a kind of quantum scrolling/fixed duality inherent in cards, so we can 
>>>>> know it's state by inserting an object - Shrödinger's card?
>>>>> But then 50% of cards would be created with a scrollbar - unless of 
>>>>> course, these are all non-local, sitting in the anti-stack that can't be 
>>>>> accessed because it's in the >90% of dark code that fills all hard 
>>>>> drives. 
>>>>> That would explain the rumour that Time Machine was originally going to 
>>>>> be called Space-Time Machine, but I'll resist considering why Parallels 
>>>>> is really called that and instead, get some coffee! ;-)
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Keith.. 
>>>>> On 16 Jun 2011, at 05:44, Richard Gaskin wrote:
>>>>>> Thomas McGrath III wrote:
>>>>>>> Although, I suppose if you could group a card then you could scroll a 
>>>>>>> card.
>>>>>> Actually, I believe empty cards do scroll.  ;)

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