Hi Ben,

If you want the full experience, you'll have to participate in the event. The 
organisers don't keep a transcript. If something relevant for the presentation 
is entered in the chat, it is usually repeated by the presenter. If someone on 
this list has a transcript, I hope s/he will be so kind to send it to you.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
Homepage: http://economy-x-talk.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/xtalkprogrammer
KvK: 50277553

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On 13 jun 2011, at 21:59, Ben Rubinstein wrote:

> Björnke et al,
> I've never managed to attend a livecode.tv event live, but I've really 
> appreciated the ones I've viewed on ustream (hate the ads, but I guess a 
> necessary evil unless anyone finds a better alternative).  But it's 
> frustrating for us retro-viewers to not see the chat part of the event.  Does 
> anyone save the transcripts of these, and could they (possibly with 
> timecodes) be attached to the video, eg just pasted in as the first comment 
> on each one on ustream, or added to the page on livecode.tv?
> Thanks for all the hard work that's gone (and going) into this series,
> Ben

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