Hi folks,
To help with some XML file analysis, I've created a pair of list fields that 
display the current node's children. The 'left' field is filled with all the 
child nodes and I filter this list down to just the nodes I will investigate 
further, by dragging into the 'right' list the nodes I will ignore. 

I thought I'd use this opportunity to learn about drag & drop, so the script 
below sits in each field and allows me to move fields back and forth between 
'monitor' and 'ignore' lists - well, nearly! It's working but in an overall 
'copy' mode - not 'move'. 

My problem is with the 'line -3' which should check that the drop was 
successful and then delete the line from the source field.

Any clues as to what I'm doing wrong?

Drag and drop control for managing parameters between 'Monitor' and 'Ignore' 
on dragStart
   ---Start dragging a Parameter 
   put the hilitedLine of me into tLine --a line number reference and not the 
   put the line tLine of me into tParameter --gets the text from the referenced 
line number
   set the allowableDragActions to "move"
   set the dragAction to "move"
   set the dragData["text"] to tParameter --creates the 'payload' for the drag 
& drop action
   pass dragStart
end dragStart

on dragEnter
   --Enable as a receiving field 
   set the dragAction to "copy"
   pass dragEnter
end dragEnter

on dragDrop
   --Put some dragsource logic in here - exit if dragSource is not the expected 
field or the dragData payload is empty 
   --Deposit the drag 'payload'
   put the dragData["text"] into tDraggedArray
   if me is not empty then put return after me --adds a return after the last 
item when the destination list is not empty 
   put line 1 of tDraggedArray after me --adds the Parameter to the list
   sort lines of me --sorts a-z
   if the dragDestination contains tParameter then delete line tLine of me
   pass dragDrop
end dragDrop

Oh, and a minor point - dragAction is set to 'move' but I get the OSX 'plus' 
icon attached to the drag action, which implies copy?!?
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