Hello dearest friends

It has come to my attention that you have inherited a fortune from the prime 
minister of absurdistan, who recently succumbed to his heavy case of head lice. 
Please make contact with me and my colleagues on this saturday, where we can 
talk about how to transfer the following information to you:

As part of his presentation about using image data a few weeks ago, Colin 
showed a simple paint application. Since then, he has improved the performance 
a lot, to the point that it works well on the iPad. In this presentation he 
will show what changes needed to be made in order for it to work that well.

Also presenting will be Rolland, who uses LC in his tasks as educator at a 
university. He will give you an overview about a few of his LC solutions, 
including polling, student management, chatting and creating video comments.

Please make the contact at these times:
Kathmandu Sat 23:45
Oslo Sat 20:00
Boston Sat 14:00
Seattle Sat 11:00
Perth Sun 02:00

To get the valuables, simply transfer to ChatRev. Get it here:
or enter in the message box:
go stack URL "http://bjoernke.com/chatrev/chatrev1.3b3.rev";

For recordings of past events, visit the blog:



official ChatRev page:

Chat with other RunRev developers:
go stack URL "http://bjoernke.com/chatrev/chatrev1.3b3.rev";

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