If you're on a Mac you can script Image Events to convert the file from TIFF
to PNG (or whatever) for you first.

Here's a script I used to convert .icn files to .png files that would
probably work just as well (with only minor modification) for TIFFs

FUNCTION createFileFromIcon pSourceIconPath, pDestFilePath, pIconSize,
   IF not (there is a file pDestFilePath) THEN
      put empty into url ("file:"&pDestFilePath)
      IF not (there is a file pDestFilePath) THEN
         return "Error: couldn't create output file"
      END IF
   put revMacFromUnixPath(pSourceIconPath) into pSourceIconPath
   put revMacFromUnixPath(pDestFilePath) into pDestFilePath
   put "tell application 'Image Events'" &cr&\
   "launch" &cr&\
   "set theIcon to open file '[[pSourceIconPath]]'" &cr&\
   "scale theIcon to size [[pIconSize]]" &cr&\
   "save theIcon as PNG in file '[[pDestFilePath]]' without icon" &cr&\
   "close theIcon" &cr&\
   "end tell" into tScript
   put merge(tScript) into tScript
   replace "'" WITH quote in tScript
   do tScript as AppleScript
   put revUnixFromMacPath(pDestFilePath) into pDestFilePath
   IF pReturnImageData THEN
      IF there is a file pDestFilePath THEN
         put url ("binfile:"&pDestFilePath) into tImageData
         return tImageData
         return "Error: couldn't create output file"
      END IF
      return the result
END createFileFromIcon



On 7/04/11 11:50 AM, "Sivakatirswami" <ka...@hindu.org> wrote:

>   I suppose this is very old ground and it's "just not going to happen."
> but I hit a wall today because LiveCode cannot import TIFF files.
> (big project of scans... most scanners default to .tiff format)
> I could not even find a feature request in the QA center.
> Did anyone do an external for tiff import?
> Sivakatirswami
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Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Medical Education Unit
Melbourne Medical School
The University of Melbourne

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