On 3/10/11 3:43 PM, Thomas McGrath III wrote:
Looking for a UINavigationBar that will resize for each Orientation of each
Device including Android?
Well iOS UINavigationBar Kit V1.4.2 is Available today. One UINavBar to rule
them all.
The Stack includes a LAB to experiment with the features of this Control. Just
Launch this stack in your simulator and change from iPod to iPhone to iPad to
Android and also rotate the orientation and watch how smooth and simple this
grouped control is. Many undocumented features as well.
You can download this fantastic stack from RevOnline:
Lazy River Software Presents iOS UINavigationBar Kit
iOS UINavigationBarKit V1.4.2
Thomas McGrath III
You should be nominated for sainthood. I'm off to download.
Jacqueline Landman Gay | jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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