It is not stable. Scott is correct in that we all agreed that the only reliable 
workaround was to use the templateGroup to advantage. I wrote an addendum in 
the dictionary to the "last" keyword as it applies to groups:

The "last" keyword is not stable when referring to groups. So if one creates 
several groups, referencing the "last" group may not return the group actual ly 
created last. Using the "templateGroup" is a workaround, since when creating a 
new group one can, for example, set the name of the templateGroup to something 
unique, and be able to find the last group by name. Also, trapping the 
"newGroup" message with an appropriate script can be used to find the last 

This is not an issue with other objects,

Craig Newman

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Gaskin <>
Sent: Sun, Feb 20, 2011 9:56 pm
Subject: Re: The group command

Peter Haworth wrote: 
 > The dictionary says I can refer to the group created by the group 
 > command by using the last keyword as in "last group".  Has anyone 
 > used this successfully? 
As the others here have noted, it's possible to create a group such that it 
won't be ordinally last. 
Instead, you can take advantage of a convention the engines uses with 
reasonable consistency in which the local variable "it" will contain the long 
ID of a new object immediately after it's been created, e.g.: 
create grp; put it 
--   Richard Gaskin 
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