On 20/02/2011 17:13, Colin Holgate wrote:
I just did some timing tests, partly to see if using an array might help with 
speed. It didn't, but in doing the test I thought of a neater way of testing 
than I've done before.

Usually my testing would resemble this:

Then I would type in "oneway" or "otherway" in the message box. It works well 
enough, but if I decide to change how many repeats to do I have to go in and change each place. 
There's also a lot of same lines, where I'm making note of the time.

What I did just now is below, and to test the various technique I just type "timeit 
technique,repeatcount" in the message box. So for example, to test the "for each" way of 
working through a set of items, and I want it to do enough that I get a good average, I would type 
"timeit foreach,10000".

Nice infrastructure for timing tests. Betraying my lack of HC background, I never the the msg box for this, but rather I have a test stack with one button and one field, and the butotn's mouseUp handler does the whole test for me :-)

The results I got for working through 1000 entries, 10,000 times, was:
for each 1075mS
repeat with 1370mS
count array 4250

I think those times are irrelevant. To make them meaningful, you need to actually *use* the item within the loop, otherwise you don't see the effects of any efficiency gain or loss. I added the highlighted lines below, and then re-ran your tests

                    as-is     using item

foreach        85         159
repeatwith   93       3102
countarray 276         367

global someitems,anarray,t

on fillitems
    put empty into someitems
    repeat with a = 1 to 1000
       put random(100) into item a of someitems
    end repeat
    put someitems into anarray
    split anarray by the itemdelimiter
end fillitems

on timeit what,howmany
    put the milliseconds into t
    repeat with a = 1 to howmany
       do what
    end repeat
    put the milliseconds - t
end timeit

on foreach
   repeat for each item tItem in someitems
   end repeat
end foreach

on repeatwith
     repeat with i = 1 to the number of items in someitems
     end repeat
end repeatwith

on countarray
      repeat for each element tElement in anarray
      end repeat
end countarray

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