On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 9:32 PM, Bob Sneidar <b...@twft.com> wrote:

Hi Bob,

> Hi all.
> I thought this was addressed before, but I have looked through the forums and 
> the API to no avail. Is it now possible via the API to sort by multiple 
> columns? I know I can get the dgText, sort with Rev API and set the dgText, 
> but I want to try to use the Datagrid API as much as possible.
> I looked at the Datagrid Helper and saw some scripts for column sorting, so I 
> installed them. Now it dawns on me I do not know how to call them, or get rid 
> of them if I don't want them anymore.

For column sorting, DGH builds a script according to the name of the
columns in the datagrid. The script is installed in the datagrid
For example, in a datagrid with 3 columns: "First name", "Last Name",
"Phone number", the generated script must be something such as:

switch pColumn
      case "First name"
         pass SortDataGridColumn

      case "Last Name"
         pass SortDataGridColumn

      case "Phone number"
         pass SortDataGridColumn

         pass SortDataGridColumn
end switch

In the script comments, DGH gives also some clues for customizing this
switch case statement:

 ## Use:
   # -> pass SortDataGridColumn for a regular sort
   # -> don't pass SortDataGridColumn for disabling the column sort
   ## For a multicriteria sort, use:
   # -> SortDataByKey "col 1" -- name of the column of the first criteria
   # -> SortDataByKey "col 2" -- name of the column of the second criteria
   # -> SortDataByKey "col n" -- name of the column of the criteria n
   # -> HiliteAndStoreSortByColumn "col 1" -- hilites the first column
after the multicriteria sort
   ## For reversing the sort of a column, use:
   # -> ReverseSort "col 1"

In the next version of DGH, I'll clarify the parameters for the
SortDataByKey command.

According to the API, this command accepts 4 parameters:
pArrayKey -> the name of the column
pSortType -> the type of data in the column (numeric, text, etc)
pDirection -> the direction of the sort (ascending, descending)
pCaseSensitive -> optional. Default is false

Now, imagine that you need sorting the data by First name AND Last
name when one click on the "First name" header:

switch pColumn
      case "First name"
         put the dgColumnSortDirection[pColumn] of me into
tSortDirection -- get the sort direction
         SortDataByKey "First name", "text", tSortDirection, "false"
-- First criteria : sort by first name
         SortDataByKey "Last name", "text", tSortDirection, "false" --
Second criteria : sort by last name

         HiliteAndStoreSortByColumn "First name" --  Tell data grid to
hilite column

DGH not removes installed scripts. DGH could not detected if users had
updated a script and I would not take the risk to break something
built by users.
To remove the custom sort, just edit the script of the datagrid group
and delete the SortDataGridColumn handler installed by DGH.

Best regards,

-Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)

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