Thanks Chris!
I still seem to be getting some inconsistencies related to your
script. I thought I'd align each button by its bottom, but that did
not seem to help. It seems it reads a partial correct order. I've
placed a copy of the stack here:
It seems like some of the custom properties are not registering
Thanks for your help!
John Patten
On Jan 31, 2011, at 11:11 AM, form wrote:
Slight fix to the code:
if x < x1 and abs(x1 - x) >= abs(y1 - y) and d < nxtd and the
lastbtn of btn
b < 1 then
Needed to make sure the button wasn't already used in the previous
~ Chris Innanen
~ Nonsanity
On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 2:00 PM, form <> wrote:
I'm thinking you're going for refrigerator poetry magnets, or
like it. To that end, I made something that reads the order similar
to the
way a human would. I haven't tested it a lot, but this was the
arrangement I
There are a dozen buttons, named with their btn number. (So button
6 is
named "6".) Notice that word 8 is at about the same level as word
9, but
still counts as part of the second row.
Running the following script sets properties on all the buttons
(and one on
the card) that lets you easily walk through them from other
scripts. The
scanrwords command needs to be re-run after moving the buttons, but
The last chunk of the scanwords command does a sample walkthrough and
outputs the buttons in "word" order to the messagebox. Use that
code in
other functions that need to move through the words.
on scanwords
-- clear the custom properties
repeat with a = 1 to the number of btns
set the nextbtn of btn a to "0"
set the lastbtn of btn a to "0"
set the startsline of btn a to "0"
set the linenumber of btn a to "0"
set the nextline of btn a to "0"
end repeat
repeat with a = 1 to the number of btns
put item 1 of the loc of btn a into x
put item 2 of the loc of btn a into y
put "" into nxtbtn
put 100000000 into nxtd
repeat with b = 1 to the number of btns
if a = b then next repeat
put dist( loc of btn a, loc of btn b ) into d
put item 1 of the loc of btn b into x1
put item 2 of the loc of btn b into y1
if x < x1 and abs(x1 - x) >= abs(y1 - y) and d < nxtd then
put d into nxtd
put b into nxtbtn
end if
end repeat
if nxtbtn is not empty then
set the nextbtn of btn a to nxtbtn
set the lastbtn of btn nxtbtn to a
end if
end repeat
put "" into sortlines
repeat with a = 1 to the number of btns
if the lastbtn of btn a < 1
then put item 2 of the loc of btn a &","& a & return after
end repeat
sort lines of sortlines numeric by item 1 of each
repeat with a = 1 to the number of lines in sortlines
set the startsline of btn (item 2 of line a of sortlines) to a
end repeat
set the firstbtn of this card to item 2 of line 1 of sortlines
put 0 into lasttgt
repeat with a = 1 to the number of lines in sortlines
put item 2 of line a of sortlines into tgt
set the linenumber of btn tgt to a
if lasttgt > 0 then set the nextline of btn lasttgt to tgt
put the short name of btn tgt &"," after output
put tgt into lasttgt
put the nextbtn of btn tgt into tgt
repeat while tgt > 0
set the linenumber of btn tgt to a
put the short name of btn tgt &"," after output
put tgt into lasttgt
put the nextbtn of btn tgt into tgt
end repeat
end repeat
-- all buttons are now tagged with the information needed to read
-- the first button is in the firstbtn of this card
-- buttons that start a new line have a startsline property of
the line
they start
-- the line each button is on is in its linenumber property
-- the nextbtn and lastbtn point to the next and last button in
line, respectively
-- buttons at the end of a line have a nextline property with
-- the number of the next line's first button
-- output the "words" in order to the msg box
put "" into output
put the firstbtn of this card into tgt
repeat while tgt > 0
put tgt &"," after output
get the nextbtn of btn tgt
if it < 1 then get the nextline of btn tgt
put it into tgt
end repeat
delete last char of output
put output into msg
end scanwords
function dist a, b
return sqrt( (item 1 of b - item 1 of a)*(item 1 of b - item 1 of
a) +
(item 2 of b - item 2 of a)*(item 2 of b - item 2 of a) )
end dist
~ Chris Innanen
~ Nonsanity
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