On 01/17/2011 05:57 PM, Petrides, M.D. Marian wrote:
This can't be good for Steve (and probably not for AAPL either).  :-((((  As 
eager as I am for further news, the man IS entitled to his privacy and I 
suspect we all should back off on the speculation.  My 2 cents worth.

As the man courts publicity I don't really see much wrong with the speculation.

On Jan 17, 2011, at 9:47 AM, Richmond wrote:

On 01/17/2011 05:16 PM, David C. wrote:
Ran across an article of interest and thought I would share it:
Well, quite honestly, he does not look "a picture of rude health"
in the photograph.

The words "ill" and "anorexic" and the phrase "eaten up with overwheening 
spring to mind.

One would also suppose that having a liver transplanted from elsewhere he
has to munch his way through all sorts of anti-rejection drugs every day,
which cannot exactly be good for one.

A vegan diet is not, perhaps, the best way to build up one's strengh either;
a vegetarian one is probably a better bet as the animal proteins present in 
would be a great help.

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