You might look at either (1) breaking your long process into a series of smaller handlers executed one after the other by "send <nextHandlerName> to me in 6 ticks" at the end of each one; or (2) put some "wait 6 ticks with messages" statements at various places in your long handler.

I usually do (1) instead of (2) if I can. I believe either approach will allow some interaction during the process - but it still may not give you what you want.


On 1/11/11 5:42 PM, wrote:
Hi gang...

I've created a hot-folder based app, that executes a few scripts when a file if 
dropped into a specific folder.
But these scripts can take up to 4 minutes to end and during that period 
LiveCode is locked.

I'm using a send command to watch the folder every few seconds, is a file is 
found then it is processed, but I want to show some kind of progress on screen 
to show the app is working.

I've tried firing off a second event, to show a counter, but that doesn't do 
And of course clicking on the "Stop Processing" button doesn't work as well :-(

Any suggestions on how to show a progress, and how to make the "Stop" button to 
work during the execution of an applescript?

Any suggestions are welcome.

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Ton Kuypers

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