On 1/6/11 9:47 PM, "Peter Haworth" <p...@mollysrevenge.com> wrote:

Hi Peter,

> SQLite does have an ALTER TABLE command.  You can use it to rename a table or
> add a column but that's all.

Right. This is why I say no _normal_  ALTER command

>  I've used the same technique as Bob to get the
> CREATE command for a table and I believe that the sql syntax is updated by an
> ALTER command, not a second entry created.


>  I use the SQLite admin plugin for
> Firefox do other types of table structure changes and it does indeed unload
> the table, delete it, then load it again and it seem to recreate any
> indexes/triggers associated with the table.

Yes, our guys do the same in Vstudio plugin.

Target is that user can do ANY changes in Table:
    add/drop fields
    change field types
    set on of indexes
    add/drop/change triggers
    add drop constraints as FKs

And for user this should looks as easy as single operation,

In background Valentina Studio do this copies of records (if they exists)
into second table..

Peter, can you take a look on Vstudio?
And may be give us comparision to Firefox?

FYI: in the nearest days we will add support of Valentina Link idea in
regard to FKs for Lite ...  Then this also will be added to diagrams for
Lite, like Access do

> The CREATE syntax in th mastr
> table is recreated automatically since the table is re-created.
> Pete Haworth
> On Jan 6, 2011, at 11:29 AM, Ruslan Zasukhin wrote:
>> On 1/6/11 9:22 PM, "Bob Sneidar" <b...@twft.com> wrote:
>>> Are you saying that an Alter Table command will create a second record with
>>> the alter table syntax in it? I didn't know that.
>> Actually as I know, Sqlite have no normal ALTER Table

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

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