That is as good a history of Brazil as I have ever heard. A couple points: I 
don't think people so much ascribe to political philosophies, as the look 
instead for the one that seems to give them the most, or take away the least 
from them. That is why nations with fairly good economical systems and politics 
can be overthrown. You simply convince the poor masses (every country has them) 
that they are poor, not because they have not tried to better themselves and 
their lives, but because "those rich guys over there" took all their money! 

Now the claim may or may not be true. Sometimes "those rich guys over there" 
really DID take all their money! But sometimes not. It really makes no 
difference, because the goal is to get a lot of people angry at the people who 
actually wield the power, so that you have a ready made army of sorts, at which 
the people who have the power will need to defend themselves or run. The 
resulting people who now have the power after the coup may not be (and probably 
will not be) better that the ones they replaced, especially seeing that they 
were willing to deceive the masses into doing what they wanted in the first 
place. Well it worked great once, why abandon a perfectly good method on moral 

So the solution is not any particular political system, at least in my opinion. 
The solution has always been, and must always be, some kind of quantum leap in 
the moral fiber of the people in general. For America it was the fact that so 
very many displaced European Christians showed up in the same place at the same 
time and decided they wanted a better world for themselves and their children. 
How well things worked out in the end will be a subject of endless debate among 
the international community, so let me just concede that point up front. 

But there have been good and bad Republics. There have been good and bad 
Socialist States. There have even been good and bad Totalitarian States!! The 
moral fiber of the people, and subsequently their leaders, is the key, and not 
the politics. That is my point. 


ps. List-Gods please don't banish me from list-post heaven. It was an OT post!! 
And I didn't mention anything about cheese!

On Jan 5, 2011, at 5:07 AM, Andre Garzia wrote:

> So in summary:
> Same guys in power: really big muddy place -> United Kingdom -> Empire ->
> Republic
> New guys in power, as bad as the previous ones: Last 8 years

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