On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 9:23 PM, Peter Haworth <p...@mollysrevenge.com>wrote:

> Getting this error in a standalone, doesn't happen in the IDE:
> Type: Handler: error in statement
> Object: group 'TaskList' of group 'DB_Activities' of card 'DB_Activities'
> of stack 'Tasks' of stack
> '/Applications/BandTrak/BandTrak.app/Contents/MacOS/BandTrak'
> Line:
> Line Num: 0
> Hint: _table.DeleteDataControls

Can you provide some context such as what is triggering the error?

> After the error is reported, the data in the datagrid is corrupted.

The data or the display of the data? If you fetch the dgData of the data
grid are values missing?

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems
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