The standalone is a new situation for me but I have experienced perhaps a dozen instances of missing saves in the couple of years I've been using Rev/LC. To be clear, I'm talking about script edit changes here not card layouts or object property changes. I definitely try to save more often these days and I also have Time Machine backing up every hour so these happenings cause less grief now than they used to but unfortunately that make it hard for me to come up with a recipe to reproduce them.

In fact, there is the opposite problem with changing the layout of a card - changes like that seem to take immediate effect even if you say you don't want to save changes when you close the card! Add a control to a card, close the card and request "Don't Save" then open it again. The control will still be there. Same problem if you delete a control, or move a control.

And it's not just layout changes. If I change the name of a control on a card using the property inspector, close the card and select "Don't Save", then open the card again, the control has the changed name not the original one. I've never understood just exactly what it is that gets saved when you close a card in the IDE. Sure isn't the layout or control properties, they're already saved . Maybe it's the data content of the card?

I've learned to deal with these situations through experience but they didn't exactly inspire my confidence in the product when I first started using it

Pete Haworth

On Dec 8, 2010, at 12:18 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

On 12/8/10 1:03 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:
Well I'm not sure I'm ready to say that save as standalone NEVER saves
script changes, just that ti didn.t appear to in this particular
instance. I can't figure out what I did differently this time around to cause that problem. I guess the real message is that you can't rely on the IDE to save when it should and you have to deal with it however you can. Personally, I think that's a ridiculous situation but it is what it

I have only had a no-save issue once in the entire time I've used LiveCode/Rev, and it happened just last week. I had cloned a substack using the message box. Clones appear with a new, unique name ("Copy of xx") and it behaved normally until I closed the cloned stack. After that the IDE acted like there were two stacks with the same name and was saving my changes to the clone instead of the original -- even though the clone was closed. I thought it wasn't saving at all until I re-opened the clone and saw later changes in there.

I was talking to someone about it and RR would like a repeatable recipe, but of course the issue is intermittent for you, and only happend to me once. If you can produce a recipe, they'd like to know. The reason I think your issue and mine are similar is because the standalone builder also clones/copies stacks. RR says there should be no problems with cloning mainstacks but there may be an issue with substacks.

Obviously it isn't a widespread problem, or no one would have been able to create standalones all this time. So there is something else involved we need to track down.

Aside from this one incident, I've never had a no-save problem. But I tend to be trigger-happy with Cmd-S so maybe I just keep ahead of the IDE.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |
HyperActive Software           |

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