Bob Earp wrote:

> Hey Roger,
> Wasn't this the Trace tool in SC ?  You were always impressed with  
> that ;-)
> Seeing it was in SC, I would have thought somebody that still has SC  
> and is a lot brighter than the two of us put together, could "extract"  
> and clone the appropriate script.
> BTW, what's all of this "Howdy" ?  Methinks you've been spending too  
> much time in Montana !!
> best, Bob...

You're right of course. You saw right through my transparent attempt to get one 
of the many geniuses on this list to build this tool in LiveCode. After all, 
LiveCode is ten times the tool that SuperCard ever was/is, even w/o the 
multi-platform feature. Heck, I could do it myself if I could figure out how to 
get the color of a pixel by location programmatically.

And, thanks to Richard Gaskin who, in the next post, summarized the history of 
SuperCard, much of which I had forgotten. He's right of course, the Trace tool 
was a SuperEdit tool.

There are no verbal salutations in Montana since one doesn't encounter another 
person often enough to warrant one. A tip of your cowboy hat is all that's 

Tip of the Hat,
Roger Guay


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