Sorry to bring Windows up, but I have also been using Windows 8 as my only
operating system today. (I will re-install Ubuntu alongside Windows 8
tomorrow). I think (like Windows 8) that Ubuntu’s appearance should be more
If you want to, you can create a new thread on this.
Anyway, Windows 8 allows you to not only choose the colour of the start
screen, but also the background style. I think that Ubuntu should allow
that with Dash. I think that more people would come to Ubuntu if they knew
how customisable it could be/is. Just an idea. Thanks!

Sent from my Windows 8 PC <>

*Sent:* Tuesday, March 13, 2012 7:44:37 PM
*To:* unity-design <>
*Subject:* [Unity-design] Data sharing protocoll in Ubuntu

Sorry if it was discussed before, anyway...
I have been using Android and Windows 8 recently quite a lot. These two
guys have one pretty clever feature, i would certainly like to have in
Ubuntu. Its their data-sharing protocoll.
Basically applications have the ability to register one of their methods to
share data held by them through a protocoll to an other application. This
makes literally every application compatible with each other.

Applications would be able to:

   - Register a method for messaging -> no need to iplement switches in
   every application to turn notifications off, because the desktop can
   control it.
   - Register method for sharing the data it holds -> Files could be
   immediately retrieved from various sources.
   - Register itself for certain file types -> User immediately offered
   those apps when opens a file.

Well... there could be tons of roles an application could be regitered to.
There is an initiative in elementary os already:

What do you think we could use this for? Do we have something likely

*Csonka Bálint* @913

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