On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 15:49, tommy <to...@luxperpetua.net> wrote:

> > b)in case launcher is set to dodge, We let the top bar cover the whole
> > top edge and move the window control button to the top left.  It also
> > works fine because when somebody invokes the left launcher then, in my
> > personal thinking, he won't be using window control button. So, if they
> > goes below the left panel for those moments when launcher is revealed,
> > nothing goes wrong.
> This could be very inconsistent. Maybe return with the dash button to the
> place, where currently window controls are?

I agree, if we want maximize an minimize button for dash also in the same
place then it is a problem.

> > I would more like it to be application dependent. For browser, I would
> > like it to be new window.
> There was a huge discussion some time ago about this, but for me this
> would clutter the launcher (new window for browser, new email for
> Thunderbird, what for Calculator?). Currently when the window is on top and
> focused, Unity does absolutely nothing when window launcher is clicked
> (icon is not grayed out, so it should *DO* something, at least blink).
> That's useless when I have 6 fullscreen apps, 7 terminals, calculator and
> something else and want to minimize few of them - I have to focus first
> fullscreen app, then I have to move the mouse to minimize another app that
> is focused but not in full-screen mode, then I have to go to the top to
> minimize another fullscreen window that gets focused after minimizing the
> last one etc. - because of Compiz stacking behaviour. It's not a bug, it
> should stack windows like that, otherwise it could break some apps. It
> takes time and it's a let's say a pain in the backside when I have to get
> to window layout I want, but I have so many fullscreen windows open that
> spread doesn't tell me anything.
> If minimize by launcher were possible, I could simply Super+1, Super+3,
> Super+7 and I'm all done having few windows I want, insted of 20 clicks and
> moving mouse along the whole desktop.

> W dniu 2012-02-08 15:32, Sunil Singh Rana pisze:
>> On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 14:45, tommy <to...@luxperpetua.net
>> <mailto:to...@luxperpetua.net>**> wrote:
>>    Sorry for repost.
>>    W dniu 2012-02-08 14:45, tommy pisze:
>>        I really like the current idea of removing the "Dodge" feature.
>> I also like it and have my 11.10 set that way.
>>        But
>>        window controls for maximized window are slightly to the left of
>> the
>>        window's top left corner, so this might be confusing.
>> I thought the same. The solution could be :
>> a) in case always visible, to let the left panel/launcher cover the
>> whole left edge of the screen and the dash button moved the to the top
>> left corner. Let the top( the one with the global menu) bar come under
>> the left panel rather above. The control button will be not below the
>> the dash button but moved a bit, equal to the width of left
>> panel/launcher, to the right and they will be on the corner of the
>> maximized window.
>> b)in case launcher is set to dodge, We let the top bar cover the whole
>> top edge and move the window control button to the top left.  It also
>> works fine because when somebody invokes the left launcher then, in my
>> personal thinking, he won't be using window control button. So, if they
>> goes below the left panel for those moments when launcher is revealed,
>> nothing goes wrong.
>> I hope I am not missing something important.
>>        Aligning the
>>        buttons plus click twice launcher icon to minimize app instead
>>        of doing
>>        nothing will make Unity perfect for me and some people that have
>>        tried it.
>> I would more like it to be application dependent. For browser, I would
>> like it to be new window.
>>        But I dont't have any idea what to do to align the buttons and
>>        not waste
>>        space... but this has to be done, because the user won't know if
>>        he's
>>        closing/minimizing the window or something else.
>>        W dniu 2012-02-08 14:36, Mark Shuttleworth pisze:
>>            On 08/02/12 12:51, Remco wrote:
>>                In my view, 'dodge' is simply 'autohide' with the extra
>>                feature that
>>                it doesn't hide when it is unnecessary. This makes it
>>                always better
>>                than autohide.
>>            Please re-read my email describing the test results. 'extra
>>            feature'
>>            translates to 'total confusion when maximising windows' in
>>            practice.
>>            Neither your opinion of what users should think, nor my
>>            opinion of what
>>            users should think, matters as much as what users actually
>>            do think. Be
>>            a scientist, not a priest.
>>            Mark
>>    --
>>    tommy
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>> सुनील राणा
>> "Unselfishness is more paying only people have not the patience to
>> practice it."
>> " 'I love you' is a wrong sentence as where, there exist 'I' and 'you'
>> love can not. Love is an attribute of the absolute."
> --
> tommy

सुनील राणा

"Unselfishness is more paying only people have not the patience to practice

" 'I love you' is a wrong sentence as where, there exist 'I' and 'you' love
can not. Love is an attribute of the absolute."
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