Hey Mark,

As far as I'm aware there should be people on this (very quiet!) mailing
list who are part of the Ubuntu UK LoCo team, but I'm not sure if they
still receive official physical copies of Ubuntu any more... but if they
do they could send you one out.

There are some places (like thelinuxshop.co.uk - this is NOT a
recommendation, never used them before - but plenty of websites like
them exist... plus ebay/amazon too) which will sell you Ubuntu on DVD or
USB Pen.  But it depends on if you trust they've not meddled with the
image written to it.

For the same money you could just buy an old issue of Linux Format (I'm
more of a Linux Journal fan myself, but they stopped doing physical
issues a long time ago!) from here...

e.g. buying issue 272 will get you Ubuntu 20.04 on DVD and probably a
few pages about it too, to get the most out of it.

Other variants like Ubuntu MATE come with your media player of choice
(VLC) but then it's likely only going to be about 20-30MB to download
that anyway.

The printer driver thing would need more information... but does this
mean you're already running Ubuntu? 

Steven Maddox

On 28/05/2021 07:18, Mark Dorrington wrote:
> As unfortunately i have to use pay as you go for my internet and the
> ubuntu .iso
> download is a huge download taken on my data allowance.
> Also is there a version of ubuntu that includes software such as
> drivers and media
> players such as vlc media player so it can install the operating
> system and the other
> software such as drivers and media players with having to use the
> internet.
> I am also having s struggle getting these drivers to work:
> https://support.brother.com/g/b/downloadlist.aspx?c=gb&lang=en&prod=dcp195c_all&os=128
> If you could please help me i would be highly grateful!
> Many Thanks
> Mark Dorrington.

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