Hi all,

At the weekend I upgraded my desktop PC from 18.04 to 20.04. Every morning after power up when I log in, once the desktop loads, any icons on the desktop do not get drawn and all of the launcher buttons do not respond to mouse clicks (nor does the top bar) so I have to CTL+ALT+F5 and login to a shell and reboot. If I move my ~/.config directory out of the way, before I log in, then the desktop works OK for the rest of that day. I can copy directories from the moved ~/.config (for things like Chrome history, nautilus bookmarks, etc...)

But the following day, after being powered down I have the same problem when I login in the morning. It's a PITA.

I've also tried removing the ~/.cache dir and that doesn't seem to help at all. I am loathe to move ~./local as this has over 70 sub directories in it with years of useful metadata in it I guess. It would take ages to work out which dir (if there is one) is the cause...

How do I go about debugging this? What log files are likely to be relevant? Anyone seen anything similar?

Just FYI, I'm not at home today so no rush.... Am on my laptop which I upgraded to 20.04 a while ago with no problems at all ;-)




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