I think I'd take a wait and see approach to be honest.
I don't think you'll struggle to find a room nearer the time - or if
worse comes to worse you can crash at mine (or popey's) I guess. Both of
us are _relatively_ local.
On 12/03/2020 13:33, Iain Cuthbertson wrote:
Hi all,
I've left the doodle poll - https://doodle.com/poll/ih8maphziqdvrbt5 -
running for a month, and it looks like end of September / early October
are most favoured.
With the recent pandemic we're facing, do people still want to get
together later this year?
If so, I'll book myself a hotel and keep my fingers crossed.
On Tue, 2020-02-04 at 15:50 +0000, Iain Cuthbertson wrote:
Good afternoon everybody,
While I may no longer be a particularly active member of the group,
it's nice to catch up with friends made over the years.
With this in mind, why don't we have another beer/cider/wine/soft
drink fuelled evening down in Hampshire aboard a magnificante steam train?
All about the RAT:
I last ran one was back in 2016, which was as popular as previous events.
As I'm lazy, here's the text from that year's date poll email
(slightly updated for 2020):
Who likes beer, steam trains, beer, card games, more beer, and a
bloody good time?
Yes! It's time to think about the Ubuntu UK RAT for 2020!
As it's such a popular activity, we have to book early to make sure we
get the train we want.
While it's still February, the event will be between late August and
early October.
To find out the best time for us to book, I've created a quick and
easy poll I'd like people to fill in for the dates that you think you
can make.
Please go here -> https://doodle.com/poll/ih8maphziqdvrbt5
Doing so does not guarantee that the date(s) selected will be the one
we go with. Nor does it secure yourself a place on the train.
Once we have a date agreed, I shall put out another email with more
details and a link to buying your ticket for the train.
Thanks for reading :)