Apologies for not replying to list, I daily update 16.04, presume any cups updates will be included. Thank you Mr David for your suggestions, will have to write them, pen and paper to try them. As 16.04 detected the printer and installed, am processing as a cups issue. I shall carefully try suggested options and report back, thank you.

On 31/12/2018 20:42, David Goldsbrough wrote:
Michael - it is standard practice for you to respond to the list not direct to your responder. The reason for this is so others can follow the thread and perhaps learn and/or contribute.

In what follows I have assumed your printer is connected direct to your ubuntu device or across wifi.  If your printer is connected direct to your router then there could be router issues.

First, let us determine that your system is up to date.  Inside a terminal issue the command sudo apt update followed by sudo apt upgrade.  Those 2 commands will bring us to the latest state.
Next  establish whether cups is installed.
Best way is to issue this command inside a terminal session
sudo apt install cups

Your system will either respond "cups is already the newest version....." or it will say it is not installed or not at the newest version

 If it is not installed then issue the command sudo apt install cups.  If you install cups - best to shutdown system and reboot.  Try printing after reboot.

If cups is installed then issue these commands
|sudo apt-get install cups --reinstall sudo service cups restart |
|Then try printing again. |
|If none of the above works establish whether you have a /atc/cups/cupsd.conf file  and if not issue these commands |sudo cp /usr/share/cups/cupsd.conf.default /etc/cups/cupsd.conf sudo service cups restart| |
|Hope that helps. |

On Mon, 31 Dec 2018 at 19:44, michael <michael.penllerg...@btinternet.com <mailto:michael.penllerg...@btinternet.com>> wrote:

    Ubuntu provides the printer driver, 16.04 is my O/S. The device is
    detected, shows has installed, but a print request produces the
    cups message. Samsung only provivide a "quick-start-guide" owners
    manual which might provide more information, is 300 pages long, a
    toner-cartridge full. Analysis shows toner cartridge is "full". I
    have exhausted all possibilities, is the "sudo apt install cups"
    terminal input needed, please. I'm lost !

    On 31/12/2018 13:12, David Goldsbrough wrote:
    Have you installed the latest driver for this printer?  How did
    you install/add the printer to your device?  What application are
    you using that produces your error?

        Message: 4
        Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2018 22:25:33 +0000
        From: michael <michael.penllerg...@btinternet.com
        To: ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com
        Subject: [ubuntu-uk] Samsung M2070 cups problem
        Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

        New printer, print request returns "Cups server error, there
        was an
        error during the cups operation".
        "Client-error-document-format-not-supported" Printer is new,
        problem I had with a Kyocera (now removed). Any suggestions
        please, is
        "sudo apt install cups" necessary as well ? Tks.


        Message: 5
        Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2018 00:21:50 +0000
        From: michael <michael.penllerg...@btinternet.com
        To: ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com
        Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] Samsung M2070 cups problem
        Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

        Sry, O/S for my Samsung M2070 is Ubuntu 16.04

        On 30/12/2018 22:25, michael wrote:
        > New printer, print request returns "Cups server error,
        there was an
        > error during the cups operation".
        > "Client-error-document-format-not-supported" Printer is
        new, same
        > problem I had with a Kyocera (now removed). Any suggestions
        please, is
        > "sudo apt install cups" necessary as well ? Tks.


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        End of ubuntu-uk Digest, Vol 155, Issue 5

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