Unfortunately uninstalling it just gave errors, maybe because the PPA
wasn't available in the same Ubuntu version as it was prior to the
upgrade. Anyway, after somewhat more playing around I figured out that
after the upgrade I had removed the PPA without taking a note of it, so
that could also be why the removal wouldn't work properly. The problem
then was how to find which PPA I had used so I could put it back in and
remove things. It turns out that it is a bit non-trivial without knowing
which PPA, but this gives you a list of where things were installed from:
apt-cache policy vlc
From the output of that I managed to find the right PPA, added it and
reloaded, then did a re-install of vlc followed by a ppa-purge. It still
needed a reboot for things to settle down but it does now let me install
vlc. Yay!
Lesson learned - don't just delete PPAs which have been disabled by a
Thanks to everyone else for suggestions, I'm just replying to the first
reply not ignoring you all.
On 25/06/18 20:37, Colin Law wrote:
On 25 June 2018 at 20:33, Jim Price <d1vers...@hotmail.com> wrote:
I've ended up in a bit of a bind. I updated from 14.04 to 16.04, which
seemed to go well but then I noticed that VLC was no longer installed. On
trying to re-install it, it could not find its dependency on vlc-nox.
vlc-nox is not in the 16.04 repo. I tried all the googleable suggestions,
but it would seem that as the version I had was installed from a ppa and
although the ppa is disabled (it got that way during the upgrade) even
re-enabling it didn't allow me to reinstall vlc and then ppa-purge it. The
ppa was the videolan stable repo. Is there any way of telling the apt
database that the package details (specifically the dependencies I guess)
are not correct any more for vlc and it should reload them from the universe
I did think of trying the snap of vlc, but that didn't work with a similar
error message. There are now two vlc packages visible in synaptic too, which
may be the result of something else I've tried.
I would start off by uninstalling it.