My contribution is no help in finding a solution, but I can confirm that
this also happens with Impress under Zorin 12 (a Ubuntu derivative of
16.04, which has a Gnome desktop). Problem seems intermittent and just
about manageable at this stage by left-arrowing back one slide and then
forwards again. This problem did not occur in versions of LibreOffice
prior to as far as I can tell.
This was sent by Bea Groves
Hi All,
I would like to draw on the collective knowledge of the group to help me
diagnose a problem with slide shows in Impress, and then decide against
which feature or software I should report the bug. The display problem
seems to be getting worse with each release of Ubuntu, but does not
effect all distributions equally.
System:- Lenovo G550 laptop. Intel Core2Duo. nVidia GeForce G210M graphics
16.04.2 Ubuntu Unity.
A few weeks ago my wife created a slide show, and set the slide
transition of every slide to Smooth Fade. She had done this many times
before without problems. When testing the presentation, there was a
white flash at the end of each transition, sometimes full screen, other
times a thick horizontal bar across the full width of the screen.
Beatrix E. Groves
President, Tutor Voices: National Network for Further, Adult, Community
and Skills Educators.
Former President, Vice-Chair & Fellow of the Institute for Learning.
Ambassador, Workers' Educational Association (WEA)
Deputy Chairperson, HealthWatch North Tyneside
Email: beagro...@gmail.com
Email: beagro...@vivaldi.net
Web: http://www.beagroves.net
Wall: http://padlet.com/wall/beagroves
About: http://about.me/beagroves
Bea's Boggling Quote of the Day (chosen randomly by her computer)
"We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes
it has gone through to achieve that beauty."
-- Maya Angelou