
My contribution is no help in finding a solution, but I can confirm that this also happens with Impress under Zorin 12 (a Ubuntu derivative of 16.04, which has a Gnome desktop). Problem seems intermittent and just about manageable at this stage by left-arrowing back one slide and then forwards again. This problem did not occur in versions of LibreOffice prior to as far as I can tell.

This was sent by Bea Groves
Hi All,

I would like to draw on the collective knowledge of the group to help me
diagnose a problem with slide shows in Impress, and then decide against
which feature or software I should report the bug. The display problem
seems to be getting worse with each release of Ubuntu, but does not
effect all distributions equally.

System:- Lenovo G550 laptop. Intel Core2Duo. nVidia GeForce G210M graphics
16.04.2 Ubuntu Unity.

A few weeks ago my wife created a slide show, and set the slide
transition of every slide to Smooth Fade. She had done this many times
before without problems. When testing the presentation, there was a
white flash at the end of each transition, sometimes full screen, other
times a thick horizontal bar across the full width of the screen.


Beatrix E. Groves

President, Tutor Voices: National Network for Further, Adult, Community and Skills Educators.
Former President, Vice-Chair & Fellow of the Institute for Learning.
Ambassador, Workers' Educational Association (WEA)
Deputy Chairperson, HealthWatch North Tyneside
Email:          beagro...@gmail.com
Email:          beagro...@vivaldi.net
Web:            http://www.beagroves.net
Wall:           http://padlet.com/wall/beagroves
About:          http://about.me/beagroves

Bea's Boggling Quote of the Day (chosen randomly by her computer) ------------->

"We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty."

-- Maya Angelou


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