Thanks, Barry, although that does seem to suggest that Ubuntu is broken
somewhere, where other Linuxes are not. So maybe we should be asking
Canonical to fix this?
David K
On 13/08/15 17:45, Barry Titterton wrote:
Hi David,
I have also had a lot of problems trying to get Amazon Prime to work.
My two Ubuntu machines do not work: I have both a 32 bit and a 64 bit
install of 14.04 LTS with Unity, and they both have the Ubuntu version
of Firefox v.40. Pipelight has also been a failure. The only machine
that plays Amazon Prime streamed video is an elderly Advent laptop
which runs 32 bit Mint 17.2 XFCE with the Mint version of Firefox
v.40. The Amazon Prime problem does seem to be a Ubuntu specific issue.
I hope that this info' is of some help to you.
Barry T