As tempting an offer as that is I'm afraid I don't have the time so
spare for that sort of thing. Sorry.
On 21/06/15 06:21, Andres wrote:
El Fri, 19-06-2015 a las 13:46 +0100, Gareth France escribió:
Sorry, what exactly are you proposing here?
On 19/06/15 13:20, Andres wrote:
RichmondMakerlabs open Tuesday evenings from 7:30 pm we have a load of
PCs and laptops that if you can give them life it would be great for our
monthly coder dojos.
No, I'm sorry, as I did not read your email correctly.
My comment must have read really cheeky, I'm sorry as I thought you
where offering to fix computers and I was proposing the ones donated to
our CIC.