On 6 June 2015 at 17:18, Barry Drake <ubuntu-advertis...@gmx.com> wrote:

> On 06/06/15 16:11, Colin Law wrote:
>  picture of a man and keyboard at the bottom of screen?  If so what
>> happens if you immediately hit a key?
> Yes there is.  If I hit a key, I get a menu, but it is not the grub menu I
> got on first boot from the disk.  It does not include the OEM install
> option.  First time around, I didn't hit a key, and the first screen was
> definitely a grub menu that included that choice as well as the expected
> ones.

the grub menu is used when booting the disc via native EFI, whereas the
orange screen is for "El Torito" dvd boot. This difference will explain the
differences you see from the first install attempt and your subsequent

 when you get round to it I believe you should run from the DVD and
>> then  ubuntu-bug ubiquity
> I'll do a bit more research and write a very detailed report to go with
> the bug report, then do it from the live DVD version.  Thanks for that.  I
> don't know how I'd cope with a slow interned feed these days.  The DVD ISO
> took less than ten minutes to download to me.

Daniel Llewellyn

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