> On 5 Jan 2015, at 16:12, Gibbs <li...@danielgibbs.net> wrote:
> On 05/01/15 15:56, David Chatterton wrote:
>> I have since upgraded the OS to Ubuntu 14.10
> I am curious to know why? As a general rule of thumb you should only
> upgrade to LTS .1 versions if you are looking for stability. For example
> 14.04.1.

As I said, I am using the Dell as a platform to learn more about Linux / 
Ubuntu. I am looking forward to 15.04 which I shall try out with relish. In the 
meantime, following advice received from one of my bug reports, I have tried 
installing different versions of the Linux kernels but none have shown 
significant improvements. I have therefore gone back to v3.16.0 which seems to 
work as well as can be expected.
> On 05/01/15 15:25, TT Mooney wrote:> So, just getting Ubuntu
> preinstalled is not enough. And this is why I
>> see Linux Devops people carrying Macs all the time now. It's a bit sad.
> Seriously? As a devop myself I wouldn't even entertain the idea of using
> Mac hardware or software. What is so difficult about installing an OS?

That’s an interesting viewpoint. I have used Macs since ~ 1990 in a work 
environment which included PCs (initially running DOS 3.3) and a Vax network. I 
even introduced Windows NT Advanced Server so that the Macs (using AppleTalk) 
could share files with Windows for Workgroups users. 

Having tired of Windows and its incessant security upgrades and bug patches, I 
decided to make the Mac my main workhorse although I do keep a copy of Windows 
7 running under Bootcamp on one of my Macs for those legacy apps that need it.

Our local Arts School has gone over completely to Macs although our local Sixth 
Form College is still stuck with Windows and Novell Networks. As a believer in 
FOSS, I have hopes for Linux / Ubuntu as I do for the Raspberry Pi - but that 
is straying outside this topic somewhat.



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