On 09/12/14 17:22, George DiceGeorge wrote:
> Why doesnt the bootup from CD interrogate the PC
> and give useful advice about what to install
> if the version on the install CD needs a more powerful PC or more RAM etc?
> I defected from Xubtuntu to Lubuntu because I thought it would work on
> almost all old PCs,
> but now I'm told it needs PAE CPU
> and may crash inelegantly if the PC's too old for Lubuntu
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_Address_Extension
> [george]
Hi George,

Several members have recommended ToriOS as a non-PAE capable spin-off
from Ubuntu. I have not used it myself (yet) but it looks promising.


All is not lost w.r.t. very old machines.


Barry T


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