On 16 October 2014 19:53, Gordon Burgess-Parker <gordo...@mail.com> wrote:
> Two 14.04 machines on the same LAN.
> I am having THE MOST ridiculous time trying to share files and folders
> across the LAN between these two machines.
> I've installed Samba on each machine - won't connect.
> I've tried installing ssh server and client on each machine, when I choose
> "connect to server" it won't browse, and if I put the IP address of the
> other machine in, the "connect" button is greyed out.
> How DIFFICULT can it be to share files and folders between two Ubuntu 14.04
> machines on the same LAN?
> Grrrrrrrrr!

This is the simplest guide a quick Google found:


Ssh won't help. It's for a secure remote terminal -- letting you type
commands on 1 PC from another -- not for file sharing. (It can do it,
but it's not the primary purpose so it's not trivial.)

Liam Proven • Profile: http://lproven.livejournal.com/profile
Email: lpro...@cix.co.uk • GMail/G+/Twitter/Flickr/Facebook: lproven
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