As I understand it the way this should be set up is:

create a directory /usr/share/myappname

put all the resources of the script app there

ln -s /usr/share/myappname/myappname /usr/bin/myappname


-- Stuart Ward M +44 7782325143

On 23 April 2014 10:39, Gareth France <> wrote:

> On 23/04/14 10:36, Alan Pope wrote:
>> On 23 April 2014 10:31, Gareth France <> wrote:
>>> On 23/04/14 10:27, Alan Lord wrote:
>>>> So does anyone have any ideas about packaging up this script? I now have
>>>>> information about how to package it for submission but I still need a
>>>>> way to run the program from the command line without calling perl.
>>>> If your script is executable and has the right "shebang" at the start
>>>> you
>>>> will not need to call perl.
>>>> Al
>>>>  The script is called, I want it to be run by simply typing
>>> seaward. How do I achieve this?
>>>  Make sure it's got the executable bit set, rename it seaward and make
>> sure the first line is:-
>> #!/usr/bin/env perl
>> Put the file in your path and you're done.
>> Cheers,
>> Al.
>>  Thanks, I believe I have that set up already. Rename it is.
> --

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