On 09/03/14 17:04, Nigel Verity wrote:

The big day has arrived. I'm in a position to finish with all this dual-boot
> nonsense and give my Dell laptop entirely over to Xubuntu. If I use GParted
> to delete the 2 partitions used by Windows 7, and then resize the Linux
partition, it strikes me that Grub might get into a mess. I'm sure I could
> probably modify the Grub setup but is this approach more trouble than it's
worth? Would I be better off just starting from scratch with a fresh Xubuntu
> install? The reason I'd like to avoid this if practical is that it always > takes me a couple of days to get everything just the way I like it whenever
> I do a full reinstall.

Any advice most welcome.

What I do in such circumstances is to make sure I have an Ubuntu server CD of the appropriate version so that if things don't boot properly after removing partitions, I can just use it to re-install GRUB. That's about the only thing which usually goes wrong. In case anything else goes wrong, make backups and generate a package list, so at least if you do have to re-install you can just restore your home directory and re-install all your software easily.


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