On 2 March 2014 15:11, Nigel Verity <nigelver...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I am running 32-bit Xubuntu and use a Virtualbox VM to run 32-bit XP. Since
> that is about to go out of support I see the need to replace it

You do? Why?

Do you use your VM to access the Internet? If not, it probably doesn't matter.

> with a VM
> running Windows 7 which, of course, is 64-bit.

No it isn't.

Yes, there is a 64-bit edition, but there is also a 32-bit one. Run
that if you wish.

> Can anyone advise on whether/how I can run 64-bit W7 in 32-bit Virtualbox?

You can't, AFAIK.

> If it can be done, would there still be a big advantage to going over to
> 64-bit Xubuntu?

Win7 is a big OS. It needs lots of RAM. 4GB is a reasonable basic
amount. *No* 32-bit x86 OS can allocated that much RAM to a single

So if you want big VMs, with more than about 2GB allocated to them,
you need a 64-bit host OS.

Liam Proven * Profile: http://lproven.livejournal.com/profile
Email: lpro...@cix.co.uk * GMail/G+/Twitter/Flickr/Facebook: lproven
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