On 31/01/14 12:02, Simon Greenwood wrote:
> That's a Magento error so it's a problem with the shop software. I wouldn't
> jump to the conclusion that they've stopped trading from that.

Its been like it for a while now, so if they are trading they are not
doing any business.
In today's world, a dead website is pretty well a dead business?

I loved them, and several friends bought laptops from them.
I bought my most recent PC from Elpatech, custom. Yes, I can make up
my own stuff but I am busy.
I will sometime, be looking for a Ubuntu laptop. Zareason (New
Zealand) keep threatening to set up in UK, but no recent news at all.
System 76 sound great but it would be nice to stay in UK, or Europe. I
am aware of Novatech but I have been disappointed with the quality, of
PCs, anyway. More than one failure not far outside warranty.

I currently have at least one ubuntu novice friend who wants to retail
buy a mid/low end Ubuntu desktop.

alan cocks


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