V International Workshop on Free and Open Source Software Technologies


International Scientific Conference of the University of Information Sciences

First Call

Havana, April 2014

The Scientific Council of the University of Informatics Sciences convenes to 
participate in the "V International Workshop on Free and Open Source Software", 
to be held from 24 to 26 April 2014, in Havana, Cuba.

This workshop is dedicated to the use and promotion of open source technologies 
as the most viable alternative to proprietary software in technological 
sovereignty code.

Cuba, like other countries, is betting on the computerization of society from 
the use of free software in an effort to socialize and expand the use of these 

The event aims to bring together a group of leading personalities in this field 
in the area to contribute with their ideas and experiences, to promote free 
software not only in Cuba but throughout the continent.

Specific topics
1. Innovative experiences in the adoption of free software and open source.
2. Development and customization of Free Operating Systems.
3. Technical and methodological guides for Free Software migration.
4. Application development on open source.
5. Viability of Open Source for Computer Security at the scene of the Cyberwar.
6. Free Software in academic, working and government environments.
7. Legal and economic aspects of Free Software and Open Source.
8. Business models based on Free Software.

Languages: Spanish - English

Important dates:

February 22, 2014: Deadline for papers receipt.
March 14, 2014: Acceptance by the Scientific Committee.
24-26 April 2014: Development of the event.

Registration Fees:

National Delegates: $ 200.00 CUP
Foreign Delegates: $ 200.00 CUC (1 CUC = 1 USD)



Contact information:

Phone: +537-8372526, +5378372527
E-mail: softwareli...@uci.cu
III Escuela Internacional de Invierno en la UCI del 17 al 28 de febrero del 
2014. Ver www.uci.cu


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