On 07/11/13 10:30, Alan Pope wrote:
> Hello all,
> It was suggested on IRC that we (the loco) might want to have a
> presence on G+. This seemed like a good idea given we have quite a
> good presence of Ubuntu in general on G+ (120K people in the Ubuntu
> community).
> So I created https://plus.google.com/communities/108756253446581210513
> which is a Google+ "Community" for the Ubuntu UK loco team. It could
> grow, or it could whither and die, that's up to us really :)
> No obligation to join of course, just another place where people can
> discuss / promote Ubuntu UK :)
> Happy happy,
> Cheers,
> Al.





Exeter Raspberry PI Jam 23rd November - http://dcglug.drogon.net/meetings/
Torbay Raspberry Pi Jam 14th December - http://dcglug.drogon.net/torbay-pi-jam/

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